Monday, October 30, 2006

Still a success.

I don't want to say a whole lot more about Nationals this year. We were close--SO CLOSE. We can do better.

Despite the votes to the contrary, Jekyll and Hyde perhaps should have been our logo.

I pity the teams that will encounter me with a healed hamstring--I've been inspired by my teammates like I never have been before--and I'll try my hardest to live up to my index card.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Basic Comprehension.

I read this, and I remember this. It's times like this where I remember the above, and see this.

His administration better take this election as a mandate from the people--it's a much clearer one than he got before.

Time after time they've done the wrong thing or nothing at all, and haven't been held (or held themselves) accountable.

I started writing a list of things--HUGE NATION AND WORLD CHANGING THINGS--that the administration and congress have done the exact opposite of their civic, public, and moral duty for...but I decided to swipe it and just plea that you vote with your minds and what you feel deep down in your heart is right.

Another thing on my mind. The media hasn't really been doing their job in Iraq. Whether that's their fault or the US Military's pathetic "enbed" program, I feel like I don't have any real visual reference for the war in Iraq. As a citizen, I should. Everything is very much third person.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Is this not why you are here?!

I couldn't be prouder of my team. 15-4 in the finals. Winning all games. Bring it Sarasota. Atlanta is coming!!! ALL OF US!