Thursday, February 08, 2007

Space Headlines

It started with the greatest headline of all times.

N*SYNC's Lance trains to be "Basstronaut"

and now we're given this?

Funny side of "astro-nut" "lust in space"

Is it the weightfullness of not-space here on Earth that slowly pulls apart reporters brains and forces them into wacky-mode while talking about space travel? Is it the vastness of our cosmos and their inability to wrap their puny minds around the concept?

Does it take a rocket scientist to avoid puns about astronauts?

I'm fully willing to concede that the two above situations are absolutely ridiculous. A boy-band member going into space! An astronaut attempting to kidnap/murder a fellow astronaut because of jealousy over the affections of the pilot! Both deserve exclamations marks!

I did a little (made up) research into the history of reporting on space. Here are some other headlines ripped from the past...

In the Sputnik of time - first sattelite launched

All for cosmonaut! US lag behind Commies in space race

Showtime at the Apollo 13 - Nearly Booed Off Course

Challenger? I barely knew her! (poor taste, I know)

Glenn depends on Depends in space for second trip

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