Monday, September 12, 2005

Tree Lightning Sponge

The miracle of all miracles is upon us. I read about this phenomena in the AFDC forums today--and can only hope that it will spread to the ends of the earth. Patient study, subtle manual dexterity, and cognitive celerity will allow those once hampered by the simple-but-elegant "3-Way SysteM' of Roshambo to break free into the greater world of RPS-15.

The website offers further explanation, if the diagram is at all confusing. Start warming up your fingers.

For further reading on here.


SamanthaG said...

I hate fire

Ned said...

Fire did nothing to you...I mean seriously.

SamanthaG said...

haha, no, seriously. It ruined my life. =( I will forever hate fire until I, yes, I can use it on someone else....mwahahaha!