Sunday, October 09, 2005

Only In America!

One almost had to assume the post would be about Don King. What a wondrous phrase...It embodies the spirit of individual competition, of pulling-oneself-up-by-the-bootstraps, and of beating a man into a senseless pulp while perhaps biting off his ear. But Mr. King would promote the amazingly amazing part of my post in these ways:
  • The Jiggle in the Jungle
  • The Bombastic Battle of Boobs and Brains
  • The Ditsy Dervish vs. the Nepotistic Naysayer
  • The Trim Spa Terror vs. the Lower Court Error

I'm not exactly sure what to say other than Anna Nicole Smith, famous philosopher, has argued her way to the Supreme Court. Oh yes, the Supreme Court (aforementioned in this blog) has agreed to see her case. It reeks of tawdy details, of near-pedophilia. It also reeks of a women who barely has an ounce of intelligence in her brain. Most excitingly, it reeks of $474 million dollars (Only in America!). She's standing before the highest court in the land? The executives at Court TV must be celebrating...

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